
Bouml aggregation
Bouml aggregation

bouml aggregation

Note:When you see a paragraph that ends in an elipsis, stay tuned. (Please notice the term generally - terms are nearly always uncapitalized bold text. Nouns are generally capitalized Verbs are generally italicized.

bouml aggregation

complete thoughts or sentences in terms of computational linguistics. This text must exist as unary objects (atomic in nature succint precise unambiguous whole. The boxes, circles, arrows, and stick men we'll get into below are meaningless without their associated text. These notions may be known sometimes only intuitively, but manifest expressly as a need for something that does not yet exist::: UML was collaboratively formed for this purpose: To find the permanent solution to an Age-old problem. UML uses some conventions at a very specific low-level – text - to describe some very general high-level Notions that the userbase accepts a a priori or pre-existing. Subject and Predicate Unions are Universally understood (we hope) to be the Primary Objects when specifying, classifying, describing and illustrating our complex system from the general to the specific. This logical unity must be deeply rooted in Meaning, and that meaning must be shared to become useful. The U in UML, represents logical unity in what we hope is the purest predicate form – what we want to do - unify. But before we can delve into the specifics of our exemplary model, we'll have to look at what the UML is and how it resolves issues.


UML was created by the Object Oriented Software Design Community to handle such monstrous complexities. This is the hard-to-handle Complex of a multilingual virtual university with a myriad of problems and processes that need, sometimes desperately, to be mapped into a unified whole. In terms of applied computer science, we have actually begun a trek into the "learn by doing" model that was here at the opening of this version of Wikiversity ( English). Our own UML/Glossary is under construction. Relationships: Aggregation, Association, Composition, Dependancy, Generalization, Multiplicity, Cardinality, Inheritance, Role.Behavior: Activity, Event, Message, Method, Operation, State, Use Case.Structure: Actor, Attribute, Class, Component, Interface, Object, Package.UML and the OMG that came up with it thrives on what is affectionately known as pedantic verbosity and here's a taste: Usually, the Glossary appears at the end of the book, but this is a set of keywords that you might as well have a glance at.

bouml aggregation

  • Computer Science - Using UML to map complex structures, behaviors, relationships and other concepts into unified models in a holistic way.
  • Linguistics - Seeing UML as a genre and lexis for a discourse community (Wikiversity) that uses and helps develop and apply software ( MediaWiki).
  • For Wikiversity purposes, we shall approach UML from several perspectives: It is used to create an abstract model of a complex system, (UML model) in forms that are easier to visualize by Human developers and users of that system. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a specification language for object modeling. Learners of UML do not have to be Computer Scientists but a cursory knowledge of the topic is helpful.

    Bouml aggregation